Supported by
Supported by Greenport
Partners with
Partners with RenewableUK
Partners with Subsea
Partners with GRP
Diamond Sponsor
Siemens Gamesa
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Hull Serviced Apartments
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Media Partners
Team Humber


OWC2018 is a 'must attend' event for all those interested in this growing market.

Offshore Wind Connections (OWC) 2018 will be the sixth Team Humber Marine Alliance (THMA) annual offshore conference. Attracting regional, national and international offshore wind delegates, the conference is on Thursday, April 26th, at the Double Tree by Hilton, Hull, with a pre-conference networking supper with RenewableUK on April 25th.

UK and international thought leaders and key industry figures will discuss recent industry developments and the increasingly positive outlook for the future.

Wind farm developers, owners, industry trade bodies and companies along the length of the offshore wind supply chain will be attending. The focus of OWC2018 is on the Yorkshire and the Humber region, which is at the epicentre of the offshore wind industry, and where billions of pounds are being invested in offshore and onshore infrastructure.

Organised by Team Humber Marine Alliance (THMA), this is the perfect time and place to assess what our region has to offer. Three of the UK’s largest wind farms and 80 per cent of all North Sea offshore wind farms are on our doorstep, while 60 per cent of the entire European offshore wind project to be built by 2020 are within 12 hours vessel steaming time.

OWC2018 is devoted to delivering business intelligence by creating opportunities for knowledge sharing and business networking throughout the day.

Opportunity to attend the RenewableUK pre-conference networking reception on April 25th.


Thought leaders and key industry figures will discuss the latest developments in the industry including updates on key projects from developers, government organisations, manufacturers, port operators, marine support, vessel owners and operations and maintenance service providers.

The morning session with contributions from guest speakers will be followed in the afternoon by specialist panels on contemporary industry subjects.  The late afternoon event will see a further chance to network.

After the success of Hull 2017 City of Culture, the brand new Double Tree by Hilton located in the city centre is a very fitting setting for OWC 2018!

New for 2018 will see additional activities on day one of the event including proposed site visits in the morning and in the afternoon WindMeet 1-2-1 sessions with key industry representatives.

Who's Attending

  • James Fisher Marine
  • JBA Consulting
  • Clugstons
  • ComtecInt
  • Reach Engineering & Diving Services (REDS)
  • Point Engineering (Hull) Limited
  • University of Hull
  • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
  • Blue Water Shipping
  • Carlbom Shipping
  • Innogy
  • North Sea Winches Limited
  • Rhenus Offshore Logistics
  • MMS Offshore Renewables
  • Sabik Offshore
  • HOTA (Humberside Offshore Training Association)
  • The EIC
  • CPower Energy Limited
  • Boston Energy
  • NKT Cables
  • Portakabin Limited
  • Myton Law Limited
  • Titan Containers
  • Lime Property
  • Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
  • Ørsted
  • Andrew Jackson Solicitors LLP
  • Hull Serviced Apartments
  • Jesmond Engineering
  • Cura Analytical
  • AllNRG
  • Jollife-Hepburn
  • Romica
  • Specialist Marine Consultants
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council
  • North East Lincolnshire Council
  • Handelsbanken
  • Acta Marine
  • ØER Energy
  • Bibby Marine Services Limited
  • RenewableUK
  • Omnisens
  • Eazy Rooms
  • GXD Logistics
  • HFR Solutions CIC CIC
  • ProGARM Limited
  • ARCO
  • Subsea UK
  • GreenPort Growth
  • Wilkin Chapman LLP
  • HETA (Humberside Engineering Training Association)
  • RSM UK
  • Humber LEP
  • Cargo Store
  • Turner Iceni Limited
  • Torque Solutions
  • Rapid Accommodation
  • SMC (Specialist Marine Consultants)
  • TDL Wind
  • Semco Maritime
  • Engie Fabricom
  • Systematic Print
  • University of Lincoln
  • Grimsby College
  • SOS Holdings
  • Clarksons Port Services
  • Ecosse Subsea Systems
  • Tranemo
  • EDS HV Group
  • Ernst & Young
  • University of Lincoln
  • ENGIE Fabricom
  • SEMCO Maritime
  • Omnisens
  • TDL Wind
  • Clarksons
  • SOS Group
  • Royal IHC
  • McAusland Turner
  • WFE Safety ( Wind Farm Equipment Limited )

Day 1 : 25th April

  • Time Details
  • 14.00 - 21.00 25th April Day 1 Offshore Wind Connections Connections Conference & Exhibition 2018

    For OWC 2018 we are introducing “WindMeet” our new 1-2-1 initiative to bring together the local supply chain with key players in the Offshore Wind industry. This is an excellent opportunity to meet developers, operators, manufacturers and service providers in the industry.

    We only have very limited places available for these sessions and our contributors are looking to meet with organisations who are equipped to realistically offer specific solutions to the offshore wind industry. Further details on how to participate will be issued shortly.


    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, A2Sea/GEOSEA, DeepOcean, Royal IHC, SEMCO Maritime, Ørsted (tbc), JDR Cables (tbc), Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (tbc), Innogy

    THMA are working in partnership with Green Port Growth to deliver this session.

  • 25th April
  • 13.30 25th April WindMeet 1-2-1 sessions registration (only for companies booked in advance)
  • 14.00 - 16.30 25th April Offshore Wind Connections - "WindMeet" 1-2-1 sessions
  • 18.00 - 21.00 25th April OWC 2018 Official opening and Networking evening with RenewableUK "Connect", Double Tree by Hilton Conference Centre, Hull

    Come along and meet senior industry leaders and representatives from the Humber as well as national and international delegates. This is an informal evening providing a great opportunity to network, meet old friends and develop new profitable relationships. This event is free to attend for RenewableUK/THMA members and partners as well as OWC2018 delegates.

    Double Tree by Hilton Conference Centre, Ferensway, Hull, HU2 8NH

  • 18.45 25th April Welcome to RenewableUK Connect from Maf Smith, Deputy Chief Executive, RenewableUK
  • 18.55 25th April Official Opening of Offshore Wind Connections 2018 - Mark O'Reilly, CEO & Chairman of Team Humber Marine Alliance
  • 19.05 25th April Welcome to the City of Hull - Councillor Stephen Brady, OBE - Leader of Hull City Council
  • 19.15 25th April Networking buffet and drinks sponsored by RSM Hull
  • 21.00 till late 25th April "Networking on the Roof" The Lexington Roof Top Cocktail Bar & Terrace, Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Hull

    With so many industry colleagues and acquaintances around it’s a shame to call it an early night. Just pop upstairs and continue those conversations in the Double Tree by Hilton’s “The Lexington” Roof Top cocktail bar and terrace.

Day 2 : 26th April

  • Time Details
  • 08.00 - 15.30 26th April Day 2 Offshore Wind Connections Connections Conference & Exhibition 2018
  • 09.15 26th April Blair Jacobs, Conference facilitator
  • 09.20 26th April Mark O'Reilly, CEO & Chairman - Team Humber Marine Alliance

    THMA the organiser of OWC2018 is a not-for-profit, privately operated business development organisation with a growing membership of over 200 companies.

    THMA has a focus on the marine, maritime and offshore energy sectors based around the Yorkshire, Humber and Lincolnshire region.

    Established in 1996 and incorporated as a company in 2010 it is now one of the main regional Marine, Maritime & offshore renewables organisations in the UK. THMA works in partnership with five local authorities, the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership and key academic institutions.

    THMA has facilitated millions of pounds worth of new business for its members whilst organising overseas trade missions, networking events, exhibitions, workshops and conferences.

    THMA has established progressive partnerships with national and international organisations across the maritime and offshore energy sectors.

    Team Humber is also actively supporting skills development programmes and has a collaborative and successful Maritime & Offshore Skills Group.

  • 09.30 26th April Matt Jukes, Chief Executive - Hull City Council

    Hull City Council is the governing body for the unitary authority and city of Kingston upon Hull. It was created in 1972 as the successor to the Corporation of Hull, which was also known as Hull Corporation and founded in 1440 by Royal charter.

    Hull Yorkshire’s “Maritime City” lies upon the River Hull at its confluence with the Humber Estuary, 25 miles (40 km) inland from the North Sea with a population of 260,200 (mid-2016 est.).

  • 09.50 26th April Maf Smith, Deputy Chief Executive - RenewableUK

    RenewableUK is the UK’s leading renewable energy trade association, specialising in onshore wind, offshore wind, and wave & tidal energy. Formed in 1978, they have a large established corporate membership, ranging from small independent companies to large international corporations and manufacturers.

  • 10.10 26th April Lord Prescott

    Former Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State he was the MP for Kingston upon Hull East from 1970 to 2010. He has an interest in Maritime, Shipping, Energy and the Environment particularly around Estuarial development. He was one of the architects of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and an Advisor on Climate Change to Ed Miliband.

  • 10.30 - 11.00 26th April Coffee & Networking
  • 11.00 - 11.20 26th April Ben George, Director of Aura

    Aura is an initiative of the University of Hull, working with a group of key industry partners, academia, national, local and regional government as well as other key supporters.

    Our vision is to create a world leading offshore wind research, talent and innovation hub.  The main aim of the hub is supporting the developing offshore wind sector towards sustainability, establishing it as a vibrant industry in the Humber – the UK’s Energy Estuary, for the benefit of the region and the country.

  • 11.20 - 11.40 26th April Lorna Bennet, Mechanical Engineer - Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

    ORE Catapult is the UK’s leading technology innovation and research centre for offshore renewable energy. They help develop, test and commercialise new technologies for offshore wind, wave and tidal, reducing the cost of generating electricity offshore and creating UK economic benefit.

    InOctober 2017 a new £2 million collaboration between the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and the University of Hull saw the launch of an offshore wind Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Centre of Excellence in the Humber region.

    The five-year partnership will see a series of research and innovation projects developed to improve the way that offshore wind farms are operated and maintained, building on the region’s energy heritage, location and experience of servicing UK offshore wind farms.

  • 11.40 - 12.00 26th April Ray Thompson, Head of Business Development - Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A. designs and manufactures renewable energy equipment. The Company offers wind turbines, turbine gearboxes, offgrid, and other related equipment, as well as provides maintenance and reconditioning services. United by nature. Together, Siemens Wind Power and Gamesa are creating a leader in the renewable energy industry, to provide cleaner, more reliable and more affordable energy to society, and to create lasting value for all stakeholders.

  • 12.00 - 12.15 26th April Morten Holm, Head of Operations Hornsea 1 - Ørsted

    The Ørsted vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. Ørsted develops, constructs and operates offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provides smart energy products to its customers. Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted employs 5,600 people, including over 900 in the UK. Ørsted’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Orsted). In 2017, the group’s revenue was DKK 59.5 billion (EUR 8.0 billion)

    Hornsea 1 will at 1.2GW be the world’s largest offshore wind farm and will be located 120km off the Yorkshire coast. Once complete, it will be enough to power 2 million homes with green electricity.

  • 12.15 - 12.30 26th April Andy Reay, Regional Manager - A2SEA A/S

    A2SEA provides offshore wind transport, installation and service solutions at a wide variety of locations. They specialise in providing the offshore wind industry with safer, sustainable, and more cost-efficient operations − through know-how, seamless integration of installation and service solutions, and quality of performance.

    A2SEA is owned by Belgian GeoSea and operates within complex marine engineering projects. GeoSea is owned by DEME Group, a world leader in highly specialised fields of dredging, marine engineering and environmental remediation.  A2SEA is headquartered in Fredericia, Denmark, with subsidiaries in Hamburg and London as well as site offices in the UK.

  • 12.30 - 13.30 26th April Buffet lunch and networking
  • 13.30 - 13.50 26th April Martin Ferreira, Head of Offshore Investment & Asset Management - innogy

    innogy is Germany’s leading energy company, with revenue of around €44 billion (2016), more than 40,000 employees and activities in 16 countries across Europe. With its three business segments Grid & Infrastructure, Retail and Renewables, innogy addresses the requirements of a modern, decarbonised, decentralised and digital energy world.

    Its activities focus on its 23 million customers, and on offering them innovative and sustainable products and services which enable them to use energy more efficiently and improve their quality of life. The key markets are Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as several countries in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, especially the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

  • 13.50 - 14.30 26th April Discussion Panel - Under the surface of Offshore Wind (moderator Neil Gordon Chief Executive SubseaUK)

    Panel: Under the surface of Offshore Wind.


    Neil Gordon, CEO, SubseaUK


    Keith Anderson, Subsea and Export Systems Manager-Engineering – Wood Group

    John Davies, Director Seabed Intervention – Helix Canyon Offshore Ltd

    Sarah Cashmore, Subsea Engineering Manager – 4C Offshore

    Peter Cherneski, Commercial/Operations Manager & Business Development Manager SURF for Boskalis Subsea Solutions

  • 14.30 - 14.50 26th April Callum Draper, Environmental Consultant - Royal HaskoningDHV

    Offshore Wind re-powering and decommissioning opportunities – Our speaker Callum Draper will be highlighting Offshore Wind turbine re-powering and decommissioning programmes beyond their 25 year design life.

    Royal HaskoningDHV is a leading consultancy in the offshore wind industry, with over 15 years of experience having worked with the majority of the UK’s major offshore wind farm developers, including Statkraft, DONG, Statoil, Vattenfall, Eneco, SSE, SPR, RWE, Repsol, EDPR, EDF and  Mainstream. Our speaker Callum Draper will be highlighting Offshore Wind re-powering and decommissioning programmes beyond their 25 year design life. Royal HaskoningDHV provides a range of environmental, technical and engineering services to the offshore wind sector.

  • 14.50 - 15.30 26th April Discussion Panel - Round 3 O&M Challenges & Opportunities (moderator David Wells, Offshore Wind Sector Specialist, University of Hull)

    This panel will focus on Operations & Maintenance challenges and opportunities on Round 3 Offshore Wind farms.


    David Wells, Offshore Wind Sector Specialist, University of Hull


    Bjarne Christensen, Director Service Operations – Semco Maritime A/S

    Bert de Ruiter, Commercial Manager Work Boats – Acta Marine B.V.

    Dr Jennie Kevis-Stirling, Business Development Manager – Subsea, James Fisher Marine Services

    Owen Murphy, Project Engineer, Turbines – Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

  • 15.30 26th April Thank you and conference close


Blair Jacobs - OWC 2018 Conference facilitator

Blair Jacobs - OWC 2018 Conference facilitator

Blair Jacobs is a freelance Broadcaster, producer, voice-over and media-trainer based in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. Since 1994, Jacobs has been working mainly for the BBC, producing and presenting radio programmes.

Mark O'Reilly, CEO & Chairman - Team Humber Marine Alliance

Mark O'Reilly, CEO & Chairman - Team Humber Marine Alliance

Mark, a seasoned Industrialist, has over 30 years experience in the Industrial/Engineering sector with significant UK, and International expertise of Strategy, Business Development, Marketing and Export. He is Vice Chair of the Maritime UK Regional Council and a member of Humber LEP Marketing Group.

For the past 9 years Mark’s focus has been on the Maritime, Marine & Offshore Energy "Blue Economy" industries particularly around opportunities in the "Offshore Wind" sector. He actively promotes the region as a centre for Offshore Renewables whilst endeavouring to involve local and regional companies in the supply chain. He has grown Team Humber Marine Alliance into a dynamic self-sustaining Business Development organisation with over 200 member companies.

Nominated for Director of the Year 2017 (not for profit) May 2017 Yorkshire Business Leaders Awards 2017 (Insider)

Matt Jukes, Chief Executive - Hull City Council

Matt Jukes, Chief Executive - Hull City Council

Matt Jukes, 46, is the Chief Executive for Hull City Council, having joined the organisation in December 2013, as Chief Operating Officer. His role is to work with Elected Members to achieve the key priority for the city - improving the lives of local people. He is Chair of the Hull Place Based Board, delivering on the city’s Strategic Transformation Plan, and leads on delivery of the City Plan and the City Leadership Board. He is also on the Hull 2017 Board.

Matt is responsible for the provision of all Council services and has overseen the expansion of the city’s visitor and cultural offer whilst Council finances have been reduced by nearly 60%.

Since the launch of the City Plan in 2012, and which he initially supported as a private sector member of Hull’s City Leadership Board, he has been involved in significant inward investment in both the public and private sectors, now totalling over £3bn, which has led to the creation of over 4,000 jobs to date.

Prior to this, he had over 20-years experience in the private sector, mainly in the ports and logistics business, where he worked in various roles throughout the UK for Associated British Ports (ABP), the UK's largest port operator. This culminated in 8 years as Port Director for the Ports of Hull and Goole, including overseeing Humber Estuary Services (the Humber Competent Harbour Authority).

Outside of the major investment projects undertaken by Hull City Council in the last 3 years, he has been involved in many regionally significant investment and development projects including, most notably, the initial inception and subsequent progression of the "Green Port Hull" project, to develop an offshore wind turbine manufacturing and export facility for Siemens, at the Port of Hull and for which he received the Yorkshire Post "Green Champion" award in 2011.

Matt obtained a First Class honours degree in Marine Studies from the University of Plymouth and, after a spell in the Royal Navy, worked for Racal Survey as a worldwide Field Surveyor. He joined ABP in 1994 and undertook various roles throughout the business before being promoted to the ABP Operational Board in 2005, as the businesses youngest ever director, as Port Director for their Short Sea Port operations (11 ports around the UK including Ayr, Troon, Fleetwood, Garston, Ipswich and Plymouth) before taking up the role in Hull and Goole in 2008.

Matt is a past President of the Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping and was a founding member of both Hull’s City Leadership Board and the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership.

Maf Smith, Deputy Chief Executive - RenewableUK

Maf Smith, Deputy Chief Executive - RenewableUK

Maf Smith is the Deputy Chief Executive, Renewable UK

Prior to joining RenewableUK Maf worked at grid and regulatory consultancy Xero Energy, and for much of this time was seconded to the Department of Energy and Climate Change to work on Electricity Market Reform. Between 2006 and 2011, Maf worked as Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Scotland for the Sustainable Development Commission, acting as advisor and scrutiny body to the Scottish Government. Between 2002 and 2006 Maf was Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables.

The UK’s leading renewable energy trade association, specialising in wind and marine energy. RenewableUK develops these sectors by organising industry events, protecting member interests and promoting their industries to Government, business and media. Members include independent companies to large international corporations, providing a united representative voice and fantastic networking opportunities.

Councillor Stephen Brady OBE -  Leader of Hull City Council

Councillor Stephen Brady OBE - Leader of Hull City Council

Councillor Stephen Brady was elected to serve on the council in Hull in 2000, initially an opposition councillor, and became Leader of the Council in 2011.

Since becoming Leader, Stephen Brady has led the City in recent years in attracting major new businesses to the City, with £3b invested since 2013, and has welcomed Siemens Gamesa as a new major employer with significant investment and creation of new jobs.

In 2017 Hull became UK City of Culture, which has had a dramatic effect throughout the city, with events, concerts, exhibitions, etc. attracting people from not only the City, but far and wide.

Stephen was honoured to be awarded an OBE by the Queen for his services to local government in this year’s New Years Honours List.

Lord Prescott

Lord Prescott is a British politician who was the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007. Born in Prestatyn, Wales, he represented Hull East as the Labour member of parliament from 1970 to 2010. In the 1994 leadership election, he stood for both Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, winning election to the latter office. He was appointed Deputy Prime Minister after Labour's victory in the 1997 election, with an expanded brief as Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions.

He was one of the architects of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and an Advisor on Climate Change to Ed Miliband.

Ben George, Director of Aura

Ben George, Director of Aura

Ben has a background as a fighter pilot and instructor in the Royal Australian Air Force. In 2010, Ben transferred into military development and acquisition projects. In 2012, he moved to the UK to work alongside BAE Systems in Brough, developing, testing and delivering an extensive upgrade to the Australian Hawk fleet.

Ben joined Aura as director in 2018 with a singular mission: through collaboration across the sector, to ensure Aura delivers value-adding innovation to research & development, skills and the supply chain in the offshore wind and renewables industries.

Lorna Bennet, Mechanical Engineer - Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Lorna Bennet, Mechanical Engineer - Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Lorna joined the Operational Performance engineering team at the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in September 2016 as a Mechanical Engineer. Involved in both research and design projects, Lorna comes from a background of mechanical design and project management. She has a depth of experience in the marine renewable energy industry, having previously worked with a wave energy technology developer. Lorna has over eight years’ experience in mechanical design engineering from a range of industries including wind, wave and tidal power development, marine lifting and handling systems, aerospace and offshore structures.

Ray Thompson, Head of Business Development - Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Ray Thompson, Head of Business Development - Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Ray Thompson is Head of Business Development for Siemens Wind Power in the UK. This varied role includes a wide range of business development, stakeholder engagement activities and supporting the development of UK supply chain content.

With over 30 years experience in the engineering and energy sectors, Ray has worked in transmission & distribution, fossil generation and renewables in both public and private sectors roles.

Morten Holm, Head of Operations Hornsea 1 - Ørsted

Morten Holm, Head of Operations Hornsea 1 - Ørsted

Morten Holm is Ørsted’s Head of Operations for Hornsea Project One. At 1.2GW and located 120kms from shore, it will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world when completed, followed by the even larger Hornsea Project Two. Based at the East Coast Hub in Grimsby, he is responsible for the setting up and deployment of all activities relating to the long term operations and maintenance of the project. Morten spent 20 years in the Danish Air Force before moving into the wind sector in 2007. Since then, he was worked on many wind farms in the UK and overseas for Siemens and Global Wind Service UK.

Andy Reay, Regional Manager UK - A2SEA/GEOSEA

Andy Reay, Regional Manager UK - A2SEA/GEOSEA

Andy joined A2SEA in 2013 and is now responsible for global sales.
He is chartered with a Masters degree in Science and has a strong background in environmental engineering with extensive experience of technical risk assessment and management.
Andy has worked in various aspects of power generation for the previous 16 years.
He is working with major offshore wind clients on global projects to ensure that A2SEAs significant experience, of more than 1,600 turbines installed, brings more value to future projects.

Andy is member of the board of Renewable UK and is an advisory board member of Team Humber Marine Alliance.

Martin Ferreira, Head of Offshore Investment & Asset Management (Development & Construction) - innogy

Martin Ferreira, Head of Offshore Investment & Asset Management (Development & Construction) - innogy

Martin heads the Offshore Wind Investment & Asset Management business and is responsible for the development and construction of innogy SE’s entire offshore wind portfolio. Alongside this, Martin is also responsible for identifying and securing new business opportunities, both independently and with project partners and investors.

innogy SE has considerable experience of developing, constructing and operating wind farms both independently, and with project partners and investors. From its inauguration of the UK’s first commercial scale offshore windfarm, North Hoyle, in 2004, innogy SE has lead significant growth and development across the UK, Germany and Belgium, and been responsible for £multi-billion investment into the UK and European offshore industries.

Martin joined innogy’s renewable business in 2006 and has performed various roles such as Head of UK Valuation and Head of Offshore Commercial Management. He has been involved and led upon numerous offshore activities including the financial investment decisions of both Rhyl Flats and Gwynt y Môr, the acquisition of 50% of Greater Gabbard and the introduction of shareholders on Galloper.

Neil Gordon, Chief Executive - SubseaUK

Neil Gordon, Chief Executive - SubseaUK

Neil initially studied business in Aberdeen then trained as a commercial diver spending eight years carrying out numerous diving assignments in the UK and Norwegian waters involving new construction projects, pipeline surveys, welding and inspection. He has over 25 years' management experience in director and business development roles, combined with over 15 years in the subsea industry.

Prior to joining Subsea UK, he spent four years managing the National Hyperbaric Centre which included project-managing saturation diving operations and hyperbaric weld trials. He more recently developed the subsea safety training and consultancy aspect of the business, where he regularly lectured to subsea engineers and delivered a range of training courses both in the UK and overseas.

He has experience working in India, Middle-east, Africa and Brazil and has worked with the Oil and Gas Producers diving operations sub-committee on client representative training and competency for subsea projects. He was also an active member of the IMCA diving safety, medical, technical and training committee.

Callum Draper, Environmental Consultant - Royal HaskoningDHV

Callum Draper, Environmental Consultant - Royal HaskoningDHV

I am an Environmental Consultant within Royal HaskoningDHV’s marine and coastal development team with expertise in environmental impact assessment (EIA), marine licencing and construction environmental management.

The focus of my current role is to deliver environmental inputs to marine licence and DCO applications for development planned, under construction and operational within the marine and coastal environment.

My recent project experience includes licencing and planning support for maintenance dredging programmes, port expansion works, and an offshore wind farm O&M facility.

Bjarne Christensen, Director Service Operations - Semco Maritime A/S

Bjarne Christensen, Director Service Operations - Semco Maritime A/S

Bjarne is head of the offshore wind O/M business in Semco Maritime covering Europe and initial projects in Taiwan and the US. Semco Maritime is a project and engineering company who has been working in the Offshore energy business for the last 40 years serving customers like Maersk and Hess. The company was a first mover in the offshore wind business and has built app. 20 offshore substations during the last twenty years.

At the very moment we deliver the substations for Hornsea One. Based on the design and construction competence Semco Maritime is building up a service business right now starting in Germany in 2016 and now moving into the UK. Based on comprehensive offshore experience we are ready to discuss how to cost optimise offshore service activities. Besides the service portfolio Semco Maritime is doing a lot of offshore wind modifications and repairs which is natural for a new industry.

Semco Maritime opened a Grimsby office in October 2017 to deliver the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of all electrical and instrumentation systems at Ørsteds three Hornsea Project One substations, the offshore rig-like superstructures in the midst of the arrays.

Bert de Ruiter, Commercial Manager Work Boats - Acta Marine B.V.

Bert de Ruiter, Commercial Manager Work Boats - Acta Marine B.V.

Bert de Ruiter is commercial manager work boats for Acta Marine. Before joining Acta Marine in 2016 he had 30 years of international experience in (inland) shipping, marine construction, dredging & offshore contracting in different operational positions. He was involved in the construction of several offshore wind parks, working both onshore and offshore roles since the year 2000.

Within Acta Marine he is responsible for providing a variety of clients with suitable resolutions to short and long-term vessel requirements and has proven to be an out-of-the-box thinker when it comes to maritime services. With a world-wide playing field his focus is on the North-Sea area.

Keith Anderson, Subsea and Export Systems Manager-Engineering - Wood Group

Keith Anderson, Subsea and Export Systems Manager-Engineering - Wood Group

Keith Anderson is an accomplished business manager responsible for Subsea and Export Systems at Wood. A Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the IMarEST he has over 22 years postgraduate experience, including 19 years within the subsea industry. During his career he has been involved with offshore developments across the North Sea, West Africa and Australasia. His current role encompasses the management and delivery of the engineering function for oil and gas; power transmission; and marine renewable projects in the offshore environment.

In addition to his primary business role, Keith provides valuable industry experience to Robert Gordon University as an external examiner and he is a guest lecturer for renewable and subsea engineering courses at the University of Aberdeen.

John Davies, Director Seabed Intervention - Helix Canyon Offshore Ltd

John Davies, Director Seabed Intervention - Helix Canyon Offshore Ltd

John has been an Engineer within the Subsea, ROV industry for over 25 years. Initially working with the UK and overseas navies on remote control mine countermeasure ROVs and then for the past 17 years on the ROVs, Ploughs and trenchers used to support offshore oil and gas, submarine telecom and power cable installation. John has had a diverse career from working offshore, through to operations management, business development and now as director of seabed intervention for Canyon Offshore Ltd.

As Director Seabed Intervention, John is responsible for working with the senior management team to support the business’s strategy in taking its assets and services; supporting all things energy. John is responsible for building relationships with current clients and strategic partners primarily in the North Sea and EMEA region - although his remit, just like the company’s equipment and services - extends worldwide.

John’s expertise in the renewables sector and the trenching market merges with the core strength of Canyon Offshore, which is providing services (ROV, Trenching, construction support and vessels) in shallow to deep water marine contracting operations, and allows him to advise global energy, renewables and telecom players on the most cost-effective solution for their project needs.

Sarah Cashmore, Subsea Engineering Manager - 4C Offshore

Sarah Cashmore, Subsea Engineering Manager - 4C Offshore

Sarah has worked in the offshore site investigation industry for over 20 years; initially in the oil and gas sector but laterally in the offshore renewables and cable sectors. She is a geophysicist by trade but has spent most of her career in a project management or consultant role. She joined 4C Offshore in 2017 and is the Subsea Engineering Manager. 4C Offshore is a leading consultancy and market research organisation providing services to the offshore energy markets. We combine the commercial knowledge needed for market and supply chain understanding with real world highly qualified offshore technical expertise.'

Peter Cherneski, Commercial/Operations Manager & Business Development Manager SURF for Boskalis Subsea Solutions

Peter Cherneski, Commercial/Operations Manager & Business Development Manager SURF for Boskalis Subsea Solutions

Offshore career spanning over 23 years. Previous role worked for VBMS/VSMC since 2010. Beginning as Offshore Construction Manager (OCM) of multiple cable/flex vessels, completing multiple European windfarms. His role expanded to encompass Project management, engineering tendering & commercials for VBMS.

Peter Cherneski began his career in 1995 as Rov/ commercial diving in the Gulf of Mexico USA GOM. Spending 15 years on projects in Oil & Gas Subsea Umbilical’s Risers Flowlines (SURF) worldwide from shallow to ultra-deep water in full field developments in remote, deep, complex projects focusing on SURF. Peter joined the renewables industry bringing his expertise of oil & gas & SURF experience to VSMC. Based in Holland at the main office for 7 years, now regularly spreading his time between the new Westhills Aberdeen office and Holland main. Taking a practical, functional, and cost-effective view/approach on operations and projects, creating value added solutions for clients & stakeholders. With a professional track record of success in operations, QHSE and projects exceeding 250 million Euros.

Now focusing on Subsea solutions, SURF (BSS), and renewables based on EPIC, Lump sum, and field development - including small and marginal fields in Europe/UK.

VBMS, a subsidiary of Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V., specializes in subsea power cable installation, Balance of Plant maintenance for the renewable market, Advanced near shore intervention, industry leading cable and flexible repairs, Select SURF installation for the oil & gas market and installation of interconnectors. The company delivers added value with its robust end-to-end project management and multi-disciplinary grid-to-grid solutions. In addition, VBMS complies with strict European and international industry standards, reflected in a high QHSE ranking. VBMS provides quality services balanced with cost effectiveness, with a portfolio including major offshore developments in Europe and beyond.

Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. is a leading global services provider operating in the dredging, maritime infrastructure and maritime services sectors. The company provides creative and innovative all-round solutions to infrastructural challenges in the maritime, coastal and delta regions of the world with services including the construction and maintenance of ports and waterways, land reclamation, coastal defense and riverbank protection. In addition, Boskalis offers a wide variety of marine services and contracting for the oil and gas sector and offshore wind industry as well as salvage solutions. With a versatile fleet of more than 900 vessels and floating equipment and 10,700 employees, including associated companies, Boskalis operates in 90 countries across six continents.

Dr Jennie Kevis-Stirling, Business Development Manager – Subsea, James Fisher Marine Services

Dr Jennie Kevis-Stirling, Business Development Manager – Subsea, James Fisher Marine Services

As BDM for Subsea and Renewables at James Fisher Marine Services [JFMS] Jennie champions the group's activities in the offshore and inshore sectors of Renewables, Tidal, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Civil Engineering and Nuclear, with a particular geographical focus in and around the United Kingdom and Western Europe.

Her role is to take the lead in JFMS Subsea Division’s Commercial activities within the Tendering & Proposals process to ensure that opportunities are identified and secured and that profit and growth targets are met.

Jennie has a Degree in Geophysical Sciences from the University of Leeds where she also achieved her PhD in Marine Geophysics. She worked with Fugro GeoConsulting for around 7 years and a year with EEEGR before joining James Fisher Marine Services in July 2017.

David Wells, Offshore Wind Sector Specialist, University of Hull

David Wells, Offshore Wind Sector Specialist, University of Hull

David Wells is a renewable energy expert with specialism in the offshore wind sector. His role focusses on driving innovation in the renewable energy sector and developing productive, collaborations between industry and the UK research community.

David previously worked for leading IT organisations in the engineering and automotive industries providing High Performance Compute (HPC) and High Performance Visualisation (HPV) Solutions. Moving into the energy sector, David worked for a council, managing carbon output and promoting mitigation measures against the effects of climate change.

Since 2010 David has worked at the University of Hull, developing and managing the University’s collaborative relationships in the renewable energy and low carbon sectors. By working with industrial partners, he is helping to grow the University of Hull and the Humber region as a key hub in the global renewable energy industry. David is central team member of Project Aura and the O&M Centre of Excellence. He also manages the University’s responsibilities for delivery of the Research, Development and Innovation Strand of the Green Port Growth Programme.

Owen Murphy, Project Engineer, Turbines - Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Owen Murphy, Project Engineer, Turbines - Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Owen is Team Leader for the Turbines section of the ORE Catapult Engineering function, based in Glasgow. He has been working in wind power for over a decade and has delivered a diverse range of engineering, technical and advisory projects at all phases of the project lifecycle. He brings a broad knowledge of wind turbine technology and first-hand understanding of the practicalities of offshore wind operations and maintenance. He has been a driving force in the development of the ORE Catapult O&M modelling capability and technology demonstrations at the Levenmouth demonstration turbine.

Exhibition stands and sponsorship opportunities available. More information


To book your place please register here.

Conference and exhibition Ticket Costs

For Team Humber Marine Alliance members Conference and exhibition: £50.00 + vat,
EARLY BIRD RATE OF £45.00 + vat until 23 February

For non-Team Humber Marine Alliance members Conference and exhibition: £75.00 + vat,
EARLY BIRD RATE OF £67.50 until 23 February

All tickets include access to the conference and exhibition on April 25-26, 2018.

If you or your business are not already members of Team Humber Marine Alliance,
please contact THMA office manager, Mary Green on 01482 485271


How to find Double Tree by Hilton, Hull, the venue for Offshore Wind Connections 2018

Double Tree by Hilton, is easily accessible by both road and rail, with Hull railway station and a host of city centre car parks all within 10 minutes walk from the venue.

Directions by road:

From South or West: Take M1 then M62 then A63 follow signs for Hull City centre, at Myton gate roundabout take A1079 onto Ferensway, pass St Stephens Shopping centre, the hotel is on the left down Portland Place.

From North: Take A1 then M62 then A63,follow signs for city centre,at Myton gate roundabout take A1079 onto Ferensway, pass St Stephen’s shopping centre, the hotel is on the left down Portland place.

From East: Take A165 to Hull onto Freetownway, at Traffic lights turn left onto Ferensway, then at the next set of traffic lights go right onto Portland place.

Directions by rail:

Hull Paragon Interchange has its own direct rail link from London provided by Hull Trains and runs several services a day from London Kings Cross. Virgin Trains also run regular services to Hull from London via Grantham and Newark North Gate. From the West, TransPennine Express deliver services via Liverpool, Manchester, Huddersfield and Leeds.


Team Humber Marine Alliance – THMA office manager, Mary Green

01482 485271



Team Humber Marine Alliance,
Wykeland House,
47 Queen Street,


Offshore Wind Connections conference


About THMA

This not-for-profit, privately operated business development organisation has a growing membership of over 200 companies.

THMA has a focus on the marine and offshore energy sectors based in Yorkshire, Humber and Lincolnshire region.

Established in 1996 as one of the main Marine, Maritime & offshore renewables organisations in the UK, THMA works in partnership with five local authorities, the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership and key academic institutions.

We have facilitated millions of pounds worth of new business for our members whilst organising overseas trade missions, networking events, exhibitions, workshops and conferences.

Team Humber is actively supporting skills development programmes and has an active and successful Maritime & Offshore Skills Group.

To find out more about THMA visit our website (opens in a new window)


Team Humber Marine Alliance – THMA office manager, Mary Green

200+ member companies

17,000+ member employees

20-year-old not-for-profit private member organisation

Green Port Growth Business Support framework partner

Humber Renewables official exhibition organiser – (with the Humber LEP)

Humber Renewables Champion 2014 - Mail Media & News

Affiliate partner of EEF The manufacturers' organisation